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My passport by Jerzy Stepniak com Anja Mattila-Tolvanen

My passport by Jerzy Stepniak com Anja Mattila-Tolvanen


Enviamos uma cópia do postal para a artista plástica Anja Mattila-Tolvanen que nos respondeu no dia 17 de junho:

Hello Paulo!

We are having now the period of midsummer night sun which means light nights. In my home region the sun rises at 3.41 in the night and the sun sets at 23.10 in the night. The sun is not gone for many hours. In Lappland this is the exotic time: the sun does not rise or set, it is up in the sky all day and night. Specially the tourists have here some sleeping problems in this light period. And some really love it.

For the photo I wanted to wait for midsummer roses to blossom. Penquins and midsummer roses, I was thinking it is a good combination. This midsummer rose is a tradiotional shrub in finnish gardens. Blossoms just in the midsummer period and smells heavenly. Next weekend we are celebrating the midsummer night and many people will celebrate all day and night long. I hope the photo is ok up to your wishes.

Take care and please, avoid covid19!

Best regards anja mt

Jerzy Stepniak vive em Varsóvia, Polónia.

Em exibição de 13 a 28 de abril de 2019, de segunda a quinta das 10h às 22h, sexta e sábado das 10 às 24h, domingo das 14 às 24h, no restaurante/cafetaria/galeria de arte Duas de Letra, sito no Passeio de São Lázaro, 48, Porto, Telef. 22 536 0333

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